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Michael Pendergrass


"Recreating the human experience thru art"



 Artists' Statement



As an artist I live a life of contradiction. There are instances when my art can be safe, gentle and sublime. Then there are the instances when it becomes combative and confrontational. Admittedly I don't believe in remaining in one particular mode for long due to the sameness factor and I can get bored easily. Certain factors contribute to my decisions on how I want a particular work to be perceived by the viewer. A few but not all of the most important factors includes visual stimuli plus pure imagination. With the current state of affairs in our world locally, nationally or globally I'll always have subject matter to work with. I prefer to remain apolitical with my work. To myself everyone's fair game despite any political or social affiliation they may embrace.  My work ranges from biting socio-political commentary to satire to the erotic.  I work in a realist style due to the fact that this is how I can tell a story. I think that most of my influences can be traced to artists such as Goya, Sisquieros, Ribera, Velasquez, Courbet and Norman Rockwell. There are others without a doubt but these artists come to mind first.



I’m expressing myself as honestly as I can as a self- taught artist with no formal training. To me this is true artistic expression and liberation. This is art coming from the soul. I advocate true freedom, true awareness, and true emotion as an artist.  I want to create art that's free from ideology, from prejudice, from dogma, and from conformity. I have no idea as to where my path as an artist is taking me but it’s a journey that I’ll gladly walk. The struggle only makes me stronger as an artist and a person. To me art, like jazz is best when improvised. I've always been a natural explorer. Questioning things is second nature to me. I've never had any problem in asking about the nature of existence, of nature, of God and the universe or of good and evil.  Creating art is a natural extension of my exploratory nature. Some of my work reflects my examination of the human condition.   I want individuals who view my work to join me in questioning the how and why of our being. Also realize that I don't ignore the natural world around us either. I enjoy recreating natures' tapestry. I believe this world and universe provides one with endless subject matter. I will never be bored. I am a realist at heart but I'll do whatever it takes creatively to tell a story. Sadly though society dictates that the story may not always be pretty. Whether it's a realistic portrayal or using a retro style of creating to tell a story, I'll adapt. 






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